Yorkshire pudding secrets

Miss Thrifty9 December 5, 2011

yorkshire pudding recipe Today I made this Yorkshire pudding – recipe below. You’ll have to excuse the rushed picture, but I was serving up a Sunday roast and we were hungry

Unsurprisingly, Yorkshire puddings are taken very seriously up here. Not long after I moved up here, I invested in a lightweight Yorkshire pudding pan or tray or whatever you want to call it: like a fairy cake tray, but with four large dips instead of lots of little ones. I’ve never used it though, because I found that the key to making a great Yorkshire pudding – one that rises nice and high in the oven, and is cooked through without being too dry – is as much about the pan as it is about the recipe.

1) Use the thickest, heaviest pan or pot you own.

The blue pan in the picture is a cast iron “Indian wok”, whatever that may be. Not very thrifty in that it’s Le Creuset; thrifty in that it was a gift about 10 years ago :). It goes on the hob or in the oven and, despite being the size of a small cereal bowl, is pretty frickin heavy.

2) Heat it in the oven beforehand, with a dash of dripping or cooking oil, for as long as you dare….

I drizzle a little olive oil into the bottom of the empty pan and stick it in with the roast potatoes et al for half an hour before whipping it out, pouring in the batter and returning it to the oven ASAP.

Today’s Yorkshire pudding spent about 25 minutes in the oven. To be honest it could have risen a lot more if I had left it in for another 5-10 minutes – I’ve had them nudging the oven ceiling before – but it was cooked through and the brussels sprouts I was roasting today (an experiment) were beginning to char, so the whole lot came out.

The recipe I use comes from a Chinese cook called Tin Sung Yang, via the cookery writer Jane Grigson, via Nigella Lawson. From How To Eat:

“For years it was held to have a mystery ingredient – tai luk sauce – until, Jane Grigson reports, a niece of hers found that this was a Chinese joke. Nevertheless, the recipe is different from normal: it works backwards. That’s to say, you mix the eggs and milk and then stir in the flour, rather than making a well in the flour and adding the eggs and milk: and it works triumphantly; it billows up into a gloriously copper crown of a cushion.”

Yorkshire pudding recipe:

300 ml milk
4 eggs
250g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Beat the milk, eggs and salt together.
2. Leave to stand for 15 minutes.
3. Whisk in the flour.
4. Add mixture to super-hot pan.
5. Cook for 25-35 minutes. No need to whack the oven temperature up high, unless you want to: 220’C, or whatever you’re cooking the rest of the roast at, should be fine.

This quantity requires a large pan and serves 4-6. I halve the ingredients and cook this in a small pan, for 2-3.

I love Yorkshire pudding but I’m sure I don’t have the monopoly on Yorkshire pudding secrets – especially since I’m an Essex transplant! – so if you have any good Yorkshire pudding tips, please share them!

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9 Responses to “Yorkshire pudding secrets

Helen says:

Ah, Yorkshire Pudding. As I come from a long, long line of proud Northerners, I had to work at getting these just right, or I’d be shot. I subscribe to the equal amounts of flour / milk version, with 2 eggs and a dash of cold water. The water is supposed to make it lighter, but I think it’s a throwback from when Grandma watered down the milk. !!!

I just add more or less flour depending on how big I want it. Sorry there’s no measurements, but if you’re doing dinky ones in a 12 bun tin, I find a cup of flour & milk with 2 eggs is perfect.

You’re right about the tin. And it has to be super-super hot. A great way of filling everyone up for very little. How thrifty! 🙂

December 5, 2011 at 12:47 pm

Miss Thrifty says:

Ooh, I’ll have to try the cold water next time. Thanks Helen!

December 5, 2011 at 12:49 pm

Niftynorah says:

OK…..in Somerset it goes like this…….For 2 people…..about one large tbspn plain flour, make a well and drop in egg, beat it in and when it gets a bit thick add milk (very cold) and continue to beat and add until it resembles evaporated milk or single cream, then put it in the fridge for at leat half an hour (the longer the better). Heat the pan with a lump of dripping (or oil if you must), about a walnut should do it. When the fat is sizzling and spitting pour in the batter and on no account open the oven until it is risen and golden brown. Oven should be 180-200.
(Bet all you Northeners are screaming that this is wrong – but it is delicious and THRIFTY)

December 5, 2011 at 5:33 pm

Miss Thrifty says:

…Well it sounds good to me!

December 6, 2011 at 4:32 pm

This looks fantstic. I love a good Yorkshire pudding and as you say often they dont live up to expectation, but this one looks like a winner.

January 4, 2012 at 3:21 pm

Earlean says:

They sounds like perfectly wonderful yorkshire pudding to me!

February 19, 2012 at 6:27 am

Kathryn says:

Once again I used this fantastic recipe yesterday and the results were absolutely show stopping! Thanks so much for making me look like a pro at cooking roast dinners when i’m really not! X

February 20, 2012 at 2:12 pm

Sebastian Henning says:

I just love pudding and always looking for new recipes. They sounds like perfectly wonderful pudding to me!

February 26, 2012 at 12:55 am

Vanessa Barratt says:

Used this for my toad in the hole since unlike my regular yorkshires, it never quite turns out. I’m watching it rise like a champ as I type and that’s with using soy milk!

June 2, 2012 at 7:21 pm

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